Friday, October 24, 2008

The Judeo-Christian View gets national attention.

The organization about which I complained a few blogs ago has been cited in the FundamentaList, published by American Prospect and written by Sarah Posner.

The link to the full list is at Here is the item about the group.

More Islamofascism -- and Child Sacrifice! -- Coming to a Church or Synagogue Near You.

The incendiary propaganda DVD Obsession, produced by the Clarion Fund, a non-profit organization founded by employees of the Orthodox Jewish group Aish HaTorah, made news last month when Clarion paid to have millions of copies of the DVD inserted in Sunday newspapers in swing states around the country. Now, the DVD is being sent to 325,000 clergy through a new publication called The Judeo-Christian View.

The Judeo-Christian View, in addition to advising clergy to preach on the "dangers" of "Islamofascism," offers a free model sermon for them to use to preach against gay marriage and "child sacrifice" (late-term abortion). The video contrasts the two presidential candidates' positions on both those issues, and obviously favors McCain.

The Judeo-Christian View is run by O'Neal Dozier, a Florida pastor who claimed in 2006 that God revealed to him that Charlie Crist would become that state's governor. Later that year, Jeb Bush, then Florida's governor, removed Dozier from a Judicial Nominating Commission to which he had appointed him in 2001, and Crist tossed him from serving on his campaign's "Strengthening Florida's Families" advisory group after Dozier called Islam a "cult." When Dozier served on the judicial commission, he and other members asked prospective nominees if they were God-fearing, their views on the 2003 Supreme Court decision striking down Texas' anti-sodomy law, and how they would feel about posting the Ten Commandments in their courtroom.

"Our nation faces a fork, a divergence between the high road and the low road," reads The Judeo-Christian View letter to clergy, "and you and your congregation could very well determine the direction we take. The high road upholds America's peaceful tradition of Judeo-Christian tolerance and morality. The low road marches us toward militant secular-paganism, militant Islam, or both."

1 comment:

Rev. Chuck Currie said...

The Judeo-Christian View: A Right Wing Hate Group Misuses Faith To Attack Barack Obama