On Baptist Ethics Daily, James Evans, the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Auburn AL, whom I met when I was still in Baptist life, reposted a column in which he gave his Top Ten Reasons Not to Post the 10 Commandments. This was in response to one of his readers sending word that the White County GA county officials decided to post a display of the 10 along with other historical documents.
White County was one of our neighboring counties when I lived in Georgia. Knowing the area, I am not surprised by this action or by Paul Broun's resolution (see previous post). The tactic of displaying the 10 as part of other documents has become rather popular. The logic is simple. Surely no one can object if we display a religious item as long as we have other stuff there. Of course, what these crafty folks want to do is have the 10 displayed whatever it takes to make that happen.
Read James Evans' Top 10 List For Not Listing the 10:
Here are the top 10 reasons for not publicly displaying the Ten Commandments.
Number 10. Posting the Ten Commandments endorses Protestant Christianity. Almost all of the displays use the King James Version of the commandments—a Protestant distinctive. Roman Catholics and followers of Judaism use a different translation.
Number Nine. Public displays of the Ten Commandments reduce all other religions to second-class status. Not all religions in our country are part of the Judeo-Christian tradition. And because it is still possible to be a citizen of this country without being a Christian, all religions must be treated equally.
Number Eight. Displaying the Ten Commandments as a way of trying to improve the social order reinforces a magical view of religion. Proponents say that if we display the Ten Commandments, children will behave better in school and our nation will be blessed for acknowledging God. Thinking this way reduces the Ten Commandments down to the level of a lucky rabbit's foot. The impact of the Ten Commandments comes when they are taught by faithful teachers, not when they are dangling from a keychain.
Number Seven. Public displays of Scripture corrupt the true purpose of religious practice. God did not send the Ten Commandments or the Sermon on the Mount in order to "create a more perfect union." These Scriptures represent an ideal community far more difficult to attain than the mere democracy we struggle with.
Number Six. Public displays of Scripture corrupt the true purpose of government. Every time in history the state has acted on behalf of God, blood has flowed in the streets. God may work through the state as God chooses, but that does not mean everything the state does is God's will. Keeping church and state separate makes it possible for the faith community to remind the state of its temporal limitations as needed.
Number Five. Public displays of the Ten Commandments are a form of idolatry. Anytime we treat as ultimate something we have made with our own hands, we are worshipping idols. Even if the words on the monument are God's, the monument is ours. That's why one of those commandments warns against graven images.
Number Four. Grouping the Ten Commandments with other historical documents distorts the history of all. The United States was established as a secular state, not a theocracy. And Moses was not present at the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Number Three. Public displays of religion promote social disorder by setting groups of people against each other. The only way America works is if we guarantee equal freedom for everyone.
Number Two. A public display of Scripture trivializes what is supposed to be important and profound. Do we really want our sacred texts treated like soda pop ads?
And the number-one reason why we should not want public displays of the Ten Commandments—God wants them written on our hearts, and that's not going to happen just because they are on display down at the courthouse.
It is interesting how many church-state issues continue to come up in our country. Should the 10 be displayed in any and every public venue? If so, why? If so, should similar documents showing the Aphorisms of Summum Bonum, the 4 Noble Truths of Buddhism, Selected Hadiths from Islam, etc. also be displayed? If not, why not? Let me know what you think.
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Ten Redux
Posted by
12:47 PM
What could be wrong with this?
This morning, I read about a Resolution proposed by Representative Paul Broun of Georgia. He represents the district where I lived when I was in Georgia. Resolution 284 wants to designate 2010 as "The Year of The Bible."
From Congressman Broun's website is this quote about the resolution:
“I hope that the National Day of Prayer will encourage America’s citizens and leaders to seek God’s help through prayer and Bible reading. The Bible’s tremendous influence in the shaping of American history and providing hope for all Americans is something that Congress and the President should formally acknowledge.
“The National Year of the Bible Resolution reminds us that our great nation was founded upon Biblical principles and that religious freedom is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. I encourage Speaker Nancy Pelosi to bring this resolution to the floor so President Barack Obama has the opportunity to designate an appropriate year as ‘The National Year of the Bible,’” said Paul Broun.
So, what could be wrong with that? Evidently, a lot of people think a lot is wrong. Despite his hopes for bi-partisan support, only 15 fellow Republicans have signed on as co-sponsors. According to the website, Politico, this resolution has generated more comments than any other for consideration in this session. The majority of the comments are less than favorable.
Do you see anything wrong with this resolution? If so, what? If not, would you lead a grass roots campaign to seek its adoption? Let me know what you think. Later, I will post my opinion about this Resolution.
Posted by
9:15 AM
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Being a Mirror
In an article in a magazine published by a Muslim group, Robert Lentz, a Franciscan friar, wrote an article about his group's namesake, Francis of Assisi. There is a quotation from the article that may lead to fruitful reflection.
Lentz wrote, "During my last trip to Istanbul, a dear friend gave me a framed calligraphic rendition of a hadith: 'A believer is a mirror to a believer.' True preaching is not a question of haranguing a group of non-believers, as some radical Christians or Muslims love to do. True preaching is living in such a way that we become mirrors of God for one another."
Certainly, Lentz echoes Francis' approach. But, what do you think?
Posted by
6:08 PM
Monday, May 18, 2009
Stocking Up in a Down Economy
Sunday's Salt Lake City Tribune had an article that caught my eye. It seems that, while many families are cutting back on purchases, there are some items for which sales figures are going up. According to the story, these are: boxes of mac & cheese, chocolate, spam, pepto bismol, and handguns.
I can come up with a rational explanation for an increase in sales for each of these items. Mac & Cheese is more popular as people try to stretch food dollars. Chocolate would be a cheaper way that people could indulge. Spam is cheaper than just about any package you pick up in the meat department. Pepto Bismol is more needed now as people worry more and eat more stuff that might not be as good for them. Gun sales are probably up due to the more conservative Americans believing that a Democratic President will push new gun control laws.
Yet, as I saw the headline and skimmed over the story, I had a vision of someone stockpiling cases of Mac, Spam, Hershey Kisses, and Pepto Bismol while standing guard over the stash with his new gun, a la some of the science fiction stories about The End Of The World As We Know It and the attendant shortages - think Farnham's Freehold, among others.
Not that I think TEOTWAWKI is upon us, but have you changed what you buy and where you buy it? Have you initiated other cost-cutting strategies, like perhaps, co-operative meals with your neighbors so each of you spend less? Have you gotten food from a food bank? Have you helped out at a food bank? Have you found greater comfort or less comfort at your place of worship?
Posted by
6:27 PM