Saturday, September 12, 2009

Death of James Pouillon

On Friday, a lone gunman, Harlan James Drake, shot and killed James Pouillon, an anti-abortion protestor, as he was protesting outside a public school using graphic anti-abortion placards and Mike Fuoss, the owner of a gravel business and was on his way to shoot a third man before being apprehended by the police.

I do not know what Mr. Pouillon's pictures looked like, but I have seen many used by Operation Rescue and other anti-abortion groups. I do not feel they are appropriate to be used in a protest where school children can see them. That said, Mr. Pouillon had the right to express his views in every legal way.

All people of faith ought to pray for the friends and family of Mr. Pouillon and Mr. Fuoss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is not really responsive to this blog but I was wondering what your take is of the recent spate of incivilities and rudeness in the news? Is our public discourse and anger coming out in ways which dehumanize others?