Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just a Little Talk

In the aftermath of the designated "National Day of Prayer" and the attendant controversy generated this year, Pew Forum put forth statistics on the patterns of prayer in America. The results show the % of people who say that they pray at least once a day with 58% of all Americans saying they do so.

As you might imagine, older folks prayed more than younger folks, poorer folks prayed more than richer folks, women prayed more than men, and folfs in particularistic church groups prayed more than those unaffiliated with any church. That is a general overview of the results which can be found at:

More specifically, there were some surprising results to me.
-- The group with the largest group of daily prayers was the Jehovah's Witness(89%); I would have thought the Muslims would have been at the top. Muslims were 5th at 71%.
-- 48% of people making $100,000 or more prayed daily. I would have thought the % would be lower. 64% of those making less than $30,000 prayed daily. I wopuld have thought it would have been more.
-- 48% of 18-29 year olds prayed daily. I thought this was amazingly high.

As with any poll results there are questions that must be asked. Did people say they prayed daily - when they don't - because they think they should? How is prayer defined? Does shouting out, "Please God; NO!" when a car swerves close to you on the freeway count? Or, must prayer take place in some ritualized form and place to be counted?

Where do you fit in this survey? Do you pray or not? Do any of these results enlighten you about the religious nature of our country?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pray very sporadically - and go in cycles. I do think I have contact with God constantly ( in my thoughts ) during the day. But formal praysers - at church events and meetings I join in corporate prayer but I think the most meaningful prayer is private. I love silent prayer in a group - the moment of silence in our prayers at church never lasts long enough for me. I would really like to be more prayerful - I try but don't always succeed. Your blog is inspiring me to make another try today.