Friday, August 15, 2008

One more thought

This weekend marks the Presidential Campaign event at Saddleback Valley Church, a Southern Baptist mega-church, hosted by its pastor, the Reverend Rick Warren, he of The Purpose-Driven Life fame. Warren explains that he will ask questions more in line of principles and motivations for actions and not related to policy statements. Should you have the opportunity to submit a question to Rev. Warren to ask John McCain or Barack Obama, what would you want to ask them?


Anonymous said...

The Society for Human Resource Managements says that "The majority of people who take their faith seriously are the type of people you want to employ because they care about living ethical lives" and that should go double or more for hiring a president. This sounds like it could be a good look at the candidates, however I doubt that too many readers of this blog would be willing to watch the "fair and balanced" reporting such as this on the Fox News Network.

Anonymous said...

MSNBC is having a live on line vote about removing "In God we trust" from our currency......Is that what we have come to as a nation, Keith Olbermann, now arbitrating politics and religion. He lost his ESPN gig, so now he is doing this, I guess that puts American priorities in perspective.

Should the motto "In God We Trust" be removed from U.S. currency? * 2239526 responses

Yes. It's a violation of the principle of separation of church and state.

No. The motto has historical and patriotic significance and does nothing to establish a state religion.

Anonymous said...

I thought that Fox and Rick Warren did a good job of giving us a different look at the candidates. Some say that the questions favored McCain, or were in his "wheel house". I am thankful for a candidate to handle the questions with ease.

I would like for them to ask to share the story of when they were saved.