Monday, June 9, 2008

Travels with Mollie

For those who may be expecting some insightful commentary on the depth and breadth of the American experience here, forget about it. That would take a Steinbeck, and I am no John Steinbeck. Instead, here are just some random musings about quirky sights on the road.

** Traveling through Chattanooga on I-24W, we passed the "Tennessee Alabama Fireworks and Apparel Store." I wondered whether the management would give away free bottle rockets with every tie purchased.

** I have decided that speed limits are generally ignored as well as the "no-passing on the right" laws. I knew that was the case in Atlanta, but it has been true in every city and town we have hit.

** On one stretch of I-64W in Illinois and on another stretch of I-70W in Missouri, I decided to conduct a decidedly unscientific experiment. For 10 miles, I counted the number of tractor-trailer rigs passing by on the other part of the interstate. On I-64, I counted 57. On I-70, the total was 61. As I saw the prices for Diesel gas knocking at $5 a gallon, I had to wonder how transporting items using this method contributed to the cost of things we buy.

I have more to say, but we have taken a break in KC with our sons and daughter-in-law. We are heading for dinner now.

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