Wednesday, December 19, 2007

In the Beginning

After being inspired by my daughter-in-law, Jill, who has had a blog for many months now, I have decided to attempt a blog. If nothing else, this should provide me with an outlet that I do not currently have for sharing my observations.

My interests are widely divergent, and I suspect this forum will reflect that. I might reflect on something philosophical and theological or something scientific. I may reminisce or expound on current news.

My cultural DNA is southern. I grew up in Knoxville Tennessee and have lived in Virginia, Kentucky, and Alabama, and presently reside in Georgia, though I have also lived in Columbus, Ohio and Wichita, Kansas. I have a Ph.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, but I currently am the minister of a Congregational church, that is associated with Piedmont College in Demorest Georgia, where I teach some religion classes.Formerly, I was quick to dismiss bloogers with a disdainful, "Why do they think anyone will be interested in what they have to say?" But, I guess, the same could be said of anyone who writes anything or anyone who preaches on a regular basis.

So, on with the project.


FDDavis said...

I am glad that you are doing a blog. I look forward to your "ramblings" on the blog.

I am sorry to read about the car trouble and the cancellation of your trip. On the other hand, I am thankful that your wife has her health back and you and she can focus on other things than getting to the next treatment and the after-effects of that treatment.

With Love.

Frank Davis

Keith Shuttlesworth said...

Thanks for sharing your BLOG.
Looks like I have some catching up to do.